BADMINTON REVIEW "🏸 my experience, how to play, benefits, warm-up, basic rules, and equipment 🏸" B adminton one of my favorite sport because of easy and not extreme sport I ever play. This sport use racquet to hit the shuttlecock over the net it not as extreme of the two sport earlier but this is the enjoyable game. My experience in this sport is fantastic and enjoyable in the same time because you don't need to use a lot of energy to play it and it is very easy and easy to learn sport I recommended. This sport give me good health and positive vibes and meet a lot of friends while playing this sport. T o play this sport you should have racquet to play you will use the racquet to hit the shuttlecock to go over the net . This are some of warm-up I know this are: back and forward neck stretch, side to side neck stretch, overhead shoulder stretch, posterior shoulder stretch ,side stretch, and etc. T he equipment in this sport is shoes, racquet, shuttlecock, and net, and ...